
Analysis of trends and innovation impacting financial services and banking. What, and who, is creating challenge, change and disruption…

Banking AI Use Cases

Top 6 use cases for AI in banking

I recently reviewed one of the best books written on AI to date, AI Super-Powers, where a brief history of AI ...
Fintech UK Economy

5 reasons why fintech’s are important for the UK economy

The UK is a very natural home for fintech’s, as it has held the position of a global, and entrepreneurial, ...
What Banks can learn from switching services and comparison sites

What Banks can learn from switching services and comparison sites

In the main, people find managing their finances challenging, and the process of setting out a budget, to help manage ...
The pandemic and cash usage – do payment strategies need some revision?

The pandemic and cash usage – do payment strategies need some revision?

A lot being is being documented on how COVID has accelerated the digital banking and transformation agenda, as more remote ...
Implications for the payments industry as digital adoption goes into overdrive

Implications for the payments industry as digital adoption goes into overdrive

I have worked with Sankar Krishnan, Executive VP of Strategy & Corporate Development at Capgemini, over the last few years ...

How platform models help drive top-line growth in Banking

Over the last few decades banks have become famous for developing into great monolithic organisations that are about as easy ...