Key Person of Influence – Daniel Priestley

Key Person of Influence (KPI) highlights a five-step process to become one of the most highly valued and paid people in your industry. Priestley shares several strategies for navigating the changing work environment, particularly how these changes have necessitated a...

Start Now, Get Perfect Later – Rob Moore

Rob Moore, aka The Disruptive Entrepreneur, has created the must-read book of the year for entrepreneurs and scale-ups. In a world obsessed with perfection, his mantra is more attuned to how the fast-paced world of innovation works today…it is all about getting your...

Why the f*ck can’t I change? – Dr Gabija Toleikyte

Over the last few years, I have read many books on personal change, particularly how to navigate the challenge of making lasting positive change. Dr Toleikyte has taken some of the best research, approaches, and thought Leadership in the area of change, and condensed...

The Dip – Seth Godin

If you have ever wondered if you are barking up the wrong tree or if it is time to quit something but do not want to give up for fear of being seen to have failed, The Dip is a must-read for you. An impressive set of insights into when to quit and when to persevere....

Switch – Chip Heath & Dan Heath

Reading Time: 6 minutesIt is a universally recognised truth, that change is one of the hardest things to achieve. Despite best intentions, people can become their own saboteur, gravitating towards only seeing the reasons why change cannot happen, and looking for...

The Culture Map – Erin Myer

Reading Time: 4 minutesThe world is becoming increasingly smaller, and never has it been truer than today, where technology has enabled more effective ways of building personal and professional relationships across the globe. Myer examines how an awareness of cultural...